The in-depth story of the “Amazon Chernobyl” Disaster in Ecuador. Deep within the Lungs of the World - the Amazon Rainforest - a disaster of unprecedented magnitude is taking place. Those responsible are determined to keep it a secret. Little had changed for residents of the Ecuadorian Amazon over the past centuries. The indigenous tribes live the same way their forefathers did - in harmony with nature. The rainforest provides everything one could need: water, food, and shelter. However, in the early 1960s, development came to their doorstep. Besides being abundant with wildlife, the Amazon was also rich in oil. This caught the attention of one of the largest oil-producing companies in the world - Texaco. In the following three decades, the once pristine rainforest was transformed into what has been described as “one of the world’s most contaminated industrial sites” — the "Amazon's Chernobyl”... "Ecuador: The Poisoned Rainforest" watch on Youtube: watch on Amazon: Subscribe for more fascinating disaster documentaries: Tragic history playlist: Suggest a topic for my next video: With footage from: Amazon Watch: Chevron Ecuador: ​​Chris den Hond / Mireille Court FRANCE 24 English We reveal the world's darkest and greatest disasters all based on true stories. This disaster documentary is inspired by the fantastic "Fascinating Horror".